From 00:00 to 24:00 on December 13, 45 new confirmed cases were reported in Zhejiang Province, including 44 local confirmed cases (2 in Hangzhou, 4 in Ningbo and 38 in Shaoxing) and 1 imported case from overseas (imported from the Democratic Republic of Congo). All close contacts have been investigated and quarantined. As of 24:00 on Friday, a total of 1,721 confirmed cases (284 imported cases) had been reported. At 5 PM today (December 13), the 87th press conference on COVID-19 prevention and control in Zhejiang Province was held. The press conference mentioned that from 3 PM on December 12 to 4 PM today, Ningbo, Shaoxing and Hangzhou reported 54 new confirmed cases (including 7 cases in Ningbo, 46 cases in Shaoxing and 1 case in Hangzhou). No new asymptomatic infections were reported. Since December 5, as of 4 PM today, the three places have reported a total of 192 confirmed cases and 1 asymptomatic infected person (not including the number of confirmed cases, the same below). Among them, Ningbo reported 51 confirmed cases; Shaoxing has reported 123 confirmed cases and 1 asymptomatic infected person. Hangzhou has reported 18 confirmed cases. No new confirmed cases were reported in Heilongjiang from 00:00 to 24:00 on December 12. The new 5 cases of positive initial screening of local nucleic acid test (Nehe) are potential close contacts and epidemiological associates of asymptomatic infected persons reported in Nehe City on November 28 in the active testing of key personnel. One newly cured case was discharged from hospital (Halbin Xiangyuan) and one asymptomatic infected person (Qiqiharne) was released from centralized isolation for observation. As of 24:00 on December 12, the province has 41 local confirmed cases. In Harbin, our province, Manzhouli-related local epidemic has occurred. Please pay close attention to the epidemic situation. If there is an intersection with the activity track of positive infected persons, or if you have lived in medium-high risk areas or affected areas within 14 days, you should immediately take the initiative to report to your community (village) and work unit, and cooperate with the implementation of prevention and control measures. In case of fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, decreased smell, diarrhea and other symptoms, do not take medicine by yourself, wear a mask and go to the fever clinic of the nearest medical institution as soon as possible for investigation and treatment, avoid taking public transportation during the treatment process, and proactively inform the travel history and contact history. There are 8 high-risk areas in the country, 43 medium-risk areas, remind the general public to pay attention to official authority releases, further improve prevention awareness, wear masks when going out, wash hands frequently, maintain social distancing, promote meal separation chopsticks, garbage classification, online appointment to see a doctor. The province has now fully launched the COVID-19 vaccination work for people aged 3-11 years old. People of the appropriate age who have not been vaccinated, those who have not completed the full vaccination, and those who need to receive booster shots after six months are invited to consult the COVID-19 vaccination sites in their jurisdictions as soon as possible, so as to jointly build an immune barrier against the novel coronavirus. According to Lixiang Dalang, the official public account of Dalang Town, Dongguan City, on the afternoon of December 13, when Dalang Town carried out landing screening of personnel returning to Dongguan from infected areas outside the province, two personnel were found to have abnormal nucleic acid test results. In order to resolutely block the transmission route of the novel coronavirus, further identify risk groups, and implement precise prevention and control, according to the relevant national and provincial regulations on epidemic prevention and control, it has been decided by research that from 00:00 on December 14, 2021, all roads entering and leaving Dalang Town (except the transit of Guanzhang Road) will be banned. Comprehensive traffic control will be implemented at entrances and exits, including expressways, provincial and town roads, and village (community) roads. During the control period, except for the vehicles that hold the pass for epidemic prevention and control, emergency rescue, nucleic acid sampling, material support and other necessary security vehicles, all other vehicles are prohibited from entering and leaving the Dalang Town area, and personnel can only enter and leave in principle. If they really need to enter and leave for medical treatment, specific official business, etc., they must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours. Those who do not obey the control and management will be strictly punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations on epidemic prevention and control. Traffic control lifting time will be announced later. Source: Sanlian Life Weekly, Beijing Daily, Heilongjiang Communist Youth League, CCTV News "◆" "◆" Your gesture, not good! "◆" can not run oh "◆" oh huo…… "◆" Shenzhen should strengthen prevention and control efforts! "◆" for the medical staff "◆" and to the New Year "◆" safety precautions